Ajuga Transplanting
Ajuga transplanting
You'll probably want to thin your ajugas every three years or so, to prevent them from becoming overcrowded. Divide the established clumps in fall or early spring and replant them, if desired.
How do you dig up ajuga?
Use a weeding fork to dig deep under the roots for more thorough ajuga weed control. Take your time and remove as many roots as possible because even small pieces that remain in the soil can take root and spread. Keep a careful watch on the area and pull new plants as soon as they appear.
Can I divide ajuga?
Ajuga. These versatile plants can be divided up once they've finished flowering, to be replanted under trees and shrubs or in containers. Ajuga is another fantastic evergreen ground-cover plant.
Does ajuga have deep roots?
Despite being short these plants have a very strong and extensive root system so they work great for erosion control. Ajuga plants are members of the mint family. Like most mints, they are quick to grow and spread.
Does ajuga prefer sun or shade?
These species grow in any reasonably well drained soil and although tolerant of full sun, growth is more rapid in partial shade. Plant these perennials in spring or early fall 6 to 12 inches apart. Mow or trim away old flower spikes.
Can ajuga take full shade?
While this plant can tolerate sun, it also does very well in the shade, making it perfect for those areas in your landscape with too little sun for turf. It forms a dense, low-growing evergreen ground cover with dark green to purple foliage.
What kills ajuga?
ANSWER: Ajuga (Ajuga reptans) is prone to a fungal root and crown rot caused by the Southern blight fungus (Sclerotium rolfsii).
Should I mulch around ajuga?
Ajuga Growing Instructions Because ajuga is so low to the ground, good weed control is especially important. Mulch ajuga immediately after planting with a thick layer of shredded bark to prevent weeds from smothering young plants.
Will ajuga spread with mulch?
Do not mulch ajuga as it will spread better on its own without mulch as a blockage to its growth. Fertilize once per month with a liquid organic fertilizer to see stronger plant performance.
Can ajuga be propagated by cuttings?
Propagation. Black Scallop is most commonly propagated by cuttings. As the ajuga plant grows, it forms stems called stolons, which grow horizontally at or just below the soil surface. These stolons, often referred to as plantlets, can be removed from the mother plant and used as a propagule for propagation.
Should ajuga be deadheaded?
Most Ajuga are evergreen throughout most of their growing range and will require little if any pruning. After flowering plants can be deadheaded if desired.
Will ajuga choke out other plants?
Left unchecked, ajuga can choke out other plants and spread far beyond its original footprint. In some cases, this may be desirable, but in situations where you want a contained area of ajuga only, several effective methods exist to prevent the plant's spread.
How do you transplant ajuga ground cover?
All you have to do is dig out the clumps and pull or cut them apart into smaller sections, then replant them in another location. You can also simply cut out big sections of plant mats – like lawn sod – and move them to a new location.
Will ajuga choke out grass?
Ajuga "Chocolate Chip" has gotten good reviews for being attractive, yet slow growing and fairly well behaved. But there are many other instances where the species makes itself too at home. The most common complaint is that it moves into the lawn and kills the grass.
What happens to ajuga in the winter?
This fungal disease is most common in warm wet or humid weather. It first appears as sudden wilting and dieback in colder climates and yellowing and death of plants in warmer areas. The stems of infected plants turn brown or black and rot.
Where does ajuga grow best?
Ajugas should be planted in early spring in areas with rich soil that receive either full shade or partial shade (they grow best in partially shady areas). Plants should be spaced 8–15 inches apart.
Will ajuga survive the winter?
If your climate is mild enough, it makes an excellent semi-evergreen winter plant.
How often should you water ajuga?
Water. Unless it's really dry, ajuga can usually sustain itself with normal rainfall. Water weekly while plants are getting established, then once every 2 to 3 weeks.
How far apart should ajuga be planted?
Plant new ajuga plants 10 to 15 inches apart in early spring in rich, slightly acidic soil and in an area in full or partial shade. In mild climates, ajugas can be semi-evergreen.
Do hummingbirds like ajuga?
Ajuga, Alstroemeria, Baptisia, Dianthus, and Kniphofia are all excellent spring blooming perennial flowers that attract hummingbirds.
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